
MUPaM의 5월 작품심사자로 선정
2021-05-06 06:02:24

서울 인사동 아지트 갤러리에서 전시중에 "MUPaM(Minimal Urban Photo and More)로 부터 5월의 회원작품 심사자로 선정되었습니다...저가 여러가지 부족하지만---개인과 국가의 명예라 생각되어 게시해 봅니다.

Guest judge of May
I'm very pleased to announce the guest judge of May, Hak Young Lee, one of the big talents in the group.
He will make a selection on Saturday, May 8, posting will be on Sunday, May 9.
Here's his introduction:
"I am honored to introduce you for guest judging in May.
My photography experience is about 20 years, and I am an Excellence FIAP level of The International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP). It is a personal and family honor to be the guest judge of MUPaM. My major is architecture, but my interest in photography and hobbies occupied a large portion of my life, and it was a healing for my health. Currently, a photo exhibition under the title of “Beyond Imagination” in Seoul, Korea is on display from May 1st to 7th.

Our members! I look forward to a wonderful photo life." 



이상배21-05-06 14:52
선생님의 수고와 애씀이 좋은 결실로
이어졌다고 생각합니다.

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